Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Film Lesson: "Schindler's List"

"Schindler's List" has to be one of the most influencial movies I have ever watched. It sends such a powerful message to those who watch it. This movie displayed the Holocaust perfectly. You saw the Nazis round up all the Jews and take them away to concentration camps. Those who were not needed or disobeyed the Nazi orders were shot on the spot. The others that couldn't work were taken away to be shot, gased, and burned. It was such a horrific sight to see.
For me, the most powerful scene was when they loaded up the useless people and children into the vans to be taken away. They never knew that this would be the last time they would see the light of day. What really pained me the most was when all the mothers saw the children being taken away from them. They desperately tried to reach their children but were held back.
I think all the images i have seen from the movie will stay with. After watching such cruelty unfold, it is really difficult to let any of those images go. Some of the very grusonme images are kind of glued to my head. Just the thought of seeing someones head getting pierced by a bullet is enough to make me want to puke.
This film is way more powerful to me than "Night Of Fog". I say this, because "Night Of Fog" was simply a documentary. It only showed us pictures of those who died and how the death camps looked like. This movie shows people getting shot, burned, and tortured. "Schindler's List" shows so much power that it's hard to even describe.

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