Thursday, November 19, 2009

Karl Marx and Communism

As said before on the previous blog, Karl Marx was not a big fan of the industrial revolution. He believed the people should be the one to run the government. Not the landlords. As a matter of fact, he encouraged workers to stage bloody revolts against the factory owners. Since he thought workers should all be treated equal, he came up with the idea of communism. He spoke of the idea frequently and was able to persuade leaders to adopt communism for a good number of years. His idea of communism was equivalent to that of a utopia. A perfect world in other words. He said that people should be treated equally when it came to pay. Everyone had a shared pay and there was no type of social class. No one owned a private home. Everything was owned by the government and people basically had to share everything. It kind of gave new meaning to the term "sharing is caring" except it was placed on a much higher standard. Unfortunately, even though it souded like a good idea to many, in reality, it failed miserably. After only a couple of years communism nearly crumbled. Only a few countries still use communism today but they might revert to capitalism eventually.
Although Karl Marx wanted people to join in communism, what was it exactly? Communism is a social structure that is based on common ownership and a way to control the means of production and property in general. It would hold a classesss and stateless society of people. Karl Marx did not want just this but he also wanted something called "Pure Communism". It is when EVERY member of a society can participate in the decision-making of political and economic aspecs of life.
During the Industrial Revolution, Karl Marx saw all of the workers as the "good guys". He didn't want them to be treated in such a poor manner, so he tried to help them. He saw any of the owners or landlords as the "bad guys". They treated the people unfairly to him. They barely payed them and such and such.

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