Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Nationalism and the Creation of Italy

Nationalism is a major part of our country. Not just out country but all around the world. It defines who we are and what we do.(almost) Nationalism is basically the love for one's country. We live in America and therefore we have a cetain loyalty to our country. We, as people, believe that our loyalty should be to all of our country's people. We don't want to be loyal to a king or an empire. There are many ways to show that we are nationalistic. For starters, we are all live in the same area. WE LIVE IN AMERICA PEOPLE! That would be the most obvious way to know. If you look in a map, people could clearly define that we are nationalists to our country. We also share a common currency. We all use the great dollar. (which is not so great anymore) We all have a common religin. Although not everyone is the same religion, most Americans are christians. The history for our country is the same, no matter who tells the story. It all starts with the Mayflower coming into the Americas and settling in the new world. Learning how to farm from the Indians. We have the Civil War and of course The Revolutionary war. Then things start going on until the present. We have a whole bunch of symbols that represent us. The bald eagle and the american flag both represent the freedom of our nation. Our culture, almost anywhere you go in America is the same. We have malls, schools, certain foods, and certain clothes we wear. We also have a sense of belongingness. If we are stuck in a country with almost no Americans, we feel left out. As soon as we see anither American we immediately feel welcomed.
A lot of nations also have astrong sense of nationalism. Italy was one of the most important ones. Before Italy became a country of strong nationalism, it was strongly divided. The people lived far apart from one another and it was a fairly messy system. Eventually, people started to realize that they had things in common with one another. People would communicate with each other more. When the seperate countries interacted with each other, they would notice they shared similar life styles. They found out they all spoke the similar language of italian. This would encourage more interaction with other people. The culture of the people were also very similar. Very much all the reasons why we are all nationalists is how Italy became adoptive of nationalism.

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