Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Russian Revolution

The Russian Revolution was a time of much turmoil. The Czar, or the leader as they are more commonly referred to, was assassinated. Instead Russian was taken over by a group called the Bolsheviks. There could only be one reason that the Russians wanted a revolution so badly. It was because their government was screwed up! People don't want change unless they are desperate. All the Czars (kings) that ruled Russia were not very bright. There were famines, diseases and a whole bunch of other problems. The Russians were absolutely tired of what these "kings" had to offer. They did not want them anymore, so they all revolted.
This revolution was all about bringing back the peace and order in Russia. This meant giving back the land that belonged to the rightful people. This also meant restoring the peace by making it much easier for people to get whatever they needed. Some major causes of this revolution was the influence of WWI. Also bring in mind that Russia was a communist country (and still is). Another cause sould have been that their government was horrible and they wanted change.
The leader of this Revolution was a young man named Lenin. He had a small group of followers called the Bolsheviks. It was he who overthrew the Russian government and ecame its new leader. Like a dictator running his country, Lenin ruled and once again brought peace to the people of Russia.
The Bolsheviks also had a very famous quote called "Peace land and bread". I believe it meant the peace that Lenin wanted to make Russia have. Once Lenin was in rule, peace started to slwly flourish in the land. Famers were able to get new farm lands and property. Everyone could finally get a bite to eat. It was truely a good sign for more things to come.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Causes of WWI

World War I was an extremely deadly war. Many innocent people were killed. The improvement of machine guns, poison gas, and other deadly weapons of war contibuted to the massive killings. One of the most important questions we ask ourselves is that how did the war start? There are many answers.
One of the biggest causes of this world war, was nationalism. Nationalism was the love for one's country. Because of this love, it fueled the hatred that one ocountry had for another. Countries would make speeches or hang posters to show which side they supported. Countries who supported one another would do their best to support and defend their friends. Those who were enemies would do everything in their power to kill the other.
Another cause of the world war was militarism. It was how each country was able to keep their own military up to standards. This meant that they kept their military ready for war at all times. The european countries all had powerful armies. Each one had their own plan to dominate the other civil authorities. Before even going to war, armies would have a full scale battle plan drawn out.
Another cause of the world war was the assassination of king Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. He was killed by someone from Surbia. Austria-Hungary realized they had a right to blame Surbia for the killing of their leader. Becaus of this they decided to declare war. This event leaded to the start of World War I. One of the most deadliest wars in the world. I have to admit its hard to believe.